
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lighting a Weaving Studio

Well, I've done a fair amount of shopping for supplies in the past week. Last week I mentioned the new table loom and warping board. I've been hard at work dressing the loom for MTSU scarves and will soon have some new woven projects to share with you. Until then, I've got a couple of in-progress photographs for you. This new table loom is a much less daunting task to prepare for weaving, so I'm able to work on it even when I'm at home alone.

Warping board full of threads for MTSU warp.
My new table loom. I think I'm going to name it Webstuhl (German for weaving loom).
Yarn for the MTSU scarves.
New lighting materials.
I have been struggling with lighting when I photograph my work, both in-progress and when I complete it. I used to really enjoy photography, but I would often take photographs outside of wildlife and nature. I was never comfortable with setting up lighting and posing items/people. However, I'm finding that a lot of those skills are extremely important for introducing others to my artwork through the internet so I am re-learning that skill set. Today we went to the store and bought some lamps and a few light bulbs to try to improve the lighting in my studio. I should be able to set them up this afternoon and be more open to sharing my WIPs (works in progress) with you.

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