
Monday, January 26, 2015


    I don't know if I told most of you guys or not, but my husband changed my Facebook password for me near the start of the new year. I made him an admin on my artist page so I can update there when needed, but I am attempting to break my addiction to Facebook. You'd be amazed how much you can get done when you aren't checking your newsfeed every 15 minutes. I am getting a lot more done around the house and I have been knitting more often, but I haven't been posting pictures of my new work on Facebook because I'm not on my personal page.

    I mention this to tell you that I'm going to start posting a photo album at the end of each month to show my recent finished projects. Now that my house is mostly organized (and I am not wasting time on Facebook) I don't feel so overwhelmed and I am starting to get into a true working rhythm. There have been several times when I have made promises about such things in the past, but I should be more successful this time. ;) I have made 5 pieces since we started this little experiment, I have started a new project on the large loom, and I am halfway through knitting another scarf. So there should be a lot more pieces to show you this year.

    As far as the business side of this goes, I was not successful at craft shows in 2014; our theory is that I was going to the wrong kind of shows, but I learned a lot about setting up my work. My plan for now is to just make items until I run out of space to store them and then take everything to the Flea Market at the TN State Fairgrounds. I don't plan on updating the online store or pursuing online sales. I thought about deleting it, but I might do something with it in the future. It's still there, but I'm not focusing on it for the time being.

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